48 interviews away from a Google offer
I’ve been looking for Applied ML scientist positions for quite a while, got rejections from 16 companies (mostly, bigtech and startups) and 2 offers. In an e...

[EN/RU] To Ph.D. or not to Ph.D.
In this post I collected my own subjective pros and cons of pursuing a Ph.D. degree. If you scroll down, you’ll find a richer version of this post in Russian...

Math in a real project: scaling laws for near-duplicate papers
In this post, I describe how graph theory popped up out of the blue in a real project. In one of the latest posts I described near-duplicate detection wit...

[RU] Inburgering in the Netherlands
In this post, I describe my experience in passing Dutch naturalization exams.

A short prompt engineering (chatGPT 'cooking') course by Andrew Ng and OpenAI
In this post, I review a short course by Andrew Ng and Isa Fulford on ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers. I found “ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for D...

Near-duplicate Detection with Locality-Sensitive Hashing and Datasketch
In this post, I review Locality-Sensitive Hashing for near-duplicate detection. I demonstrate the principle and provide a quick intro to Datasketch which is ...

Is the 99% accuracy claim in detecting chatGPT-generated content really trustworthy?
In this post I reason about the claimed accuracy of chatGPT detectors and why the task is far from being solved, in spite of those “99% accuracy” pitches tha...

chatGPT would almost pass my take-home assignment for the Machine Learning Engineer role
In this post I describe how chatGPT can cover around 90% of the steps needed to successfylly crack a take-home assignment for the Machine Learning Engineer r...

[EN/RU] My 2022 in books
This post is about the best books that I read in 2022. Those are “Why nations fail”, “The simple path to wealth”, “Designing Machine Learning systems”, “Work...

[EN/RU] What I learned about quantum computing
I would like to share what I learned about the world of quantum computing while helping Semyon Sinchenko & Co. with the development of the quantum mach...

[EN/RU] ChatGPT is fairly good at coreference resolution and coding assignments
Here I’m trying to discover ChatGPT’s weaknesses and test its ability to resolve coreferences in natural text and crack mlcourse.ai assignments. Naturally,...

Bonus mlcourse.ai assignments
Here we cover the best assignments of mlcourse.ai – an open and free Machine Learning course with a good balance of theory and practice. The course is avai...

[EN/RU] Train your own AI bullshit detector
Defining what is possible and what is impossible is one of the main tasks that science solves every day. This is especially noticeable in the field of mach...

[RU] Lost in Hodge theaters: the ABC-conjecture thriller
On the thrilling story about the unpenetrable proof of the ABC conjecture which is one of the corner stones of the modern number theory.

Easy image generation with OpenAI DALLE API
With the OpenAI beta-version of image generation API generating cool images for any purpose is made easier than ever. This also solves legal issues, no need ...

[RU] On BigTech, soft skills and English speaking
Here I go through behavioral interview preparation and qualities that many canidates lack: soft skills and fluent English speaking.

How I helped organize the COLING track on the detection of generated scientific content
Apparently, GPT-3 and other language models are so advanced now that generated content, sometimes non-sensical, is bypassing the peer-review process and is b...

How Vladimir Vapnik lost a fancy dinner in a bet witnessed by Yann LeCun
Vladimir Vapnik, the father of Support Vector Machines, and Larry Jackel (Vapnik’s boss at that time at Bell Labs) both lost a fancy dinner to Yann LeCun bac...

Course overview – Venture Deals
I full-heartedly recommend the Venture Deals course taught by Brad Feld and Jason Mendelson, supported by KauffmanFellows and TechStars.

Open Machine Learning course mlcourse.ai – self-paced plan
mlcourse.ai is an open Machine Learning course by OpenDataScience (ods.ai, led by me. In 2017-2019, I’ve been leading active sessions of the course, offering...

[RU] A talk with Aira Mongush: Netherlands, Kaggle, mlcourse.ai, imposter syndrom
Here I am a guest in a Data Science show by Aira Mongush. We discuss the Netherlands, Kaggle, academia vs. industry, imposter syndrom, and even children. The...

[RU] My 2021 in books
This post is about the best books that I read in 2021. Those are “The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business”, “The riches...

[RU] Avoiding elderly poverty: a mini-course by Prof. Lipsitz
In this post, I review a mini-course by professor Igor Lipsitz on personal finance and avoiding elderly poverty, mostly in the context of Russia.

[RU] Machine Learning LEGO blocks
This is a long introductory lecture in Machine Learning where I compare ML tasks to the LEGO game with its building blocks. Originally posted in the mlcourse...

[RU] Data Science failures - part 2
This is a longreed where I honestly describe what people typically do not mention on their LinkedIn profiles – failures. This post is in Russian, originally ...

What Data Scientists Don’t Mention on Their LinkedIn Profiles
It was my pleasure to talk to the leader of the DataTalksClub community Alexey Grigoriev about Data Science failures and what people avoid mentioning on the...

[RU] Data Science failures - part 1
Here I honestly describe what people typically do not mention on their LinkedIn profiles – failures. This post is in Russian, originally posted in VK.com.

My personal story behind the creation of mlcourse.ai
In this post, I’d like to share my personal story behind the creation of a large-scale, open and free Machine Learning course mlcourse.ai.

How to jump into Data Science
In this talk, I’ll describe the learning path you need to step in to find your first DS job. Assuming that basic ML is covered (mlcourse.ai, Andrew Ng’s cour...

[RU] the Netherlands: pros and cons
My personal pros & cons list of working and living in the Netherlands.

[RU] Yury Kashnitsky: work and life
Here goes Yury’s story: life in Israel and Canada, bullying, Ph.D. and industrial Data Science, MIPT and Mail.ru, the Netherlands.

[RU] A talk with Sergey Nikolenko
Here goes a vide recording of my talk with Sergey Nikolenko. Sergey is a player of the intellectual TV club “What? Where? When?” (world champion in 2015and 2...

[RU] A talk with Emeli Dral and Victor Kantor
Here goes a vide recording of my talk with Emeli Dral and Victor Kantor – leaders of the “Data Mining In Action” course in Russian.

[RU] a talk with Dmitry Vertrov
Here goes a transcript of my talk with Dmitry Vetrov. Dmitry is a research professor in the Department of Computer Science, Higher School of Economics, and H...

[RU] A talk with Evgeniy Sokolov
Here goes a vide recording of my talk with Evgeniy Sokolov, – Associate Professor, Head of Faculty of Computer Science, Higher School of Economics, lead Data...

[RU] A talk with Konstantin Vorontsov
Here goes a vide recording of my talk with Konstantin Vorontsov – Head of the MIPT Machine Intelligence Laboratory, Professor of the Yandex Faculty of Comput...

[RU] A talk with Alexander Dyakonov
Here goes a vide recording of my talk with Alexander Dyakonov, professor at Lomonosov MSU, ex-Kaggle top-1 competitior.